Discover Your Purpose & Transform Doubt into Unwavering Assurance

Feeling Lost & Doubting Yourself in Your Career?

Hi, I'm Young

I lead people to discover their true selves and purpose so that they can transform doubt into unwavering assurance.

black and white analog watch
Here's what our clients say

I hadn't deeply thought about the kind of person I am, but reflecting on past events and people in my life made me realize how I've become who I am today.”

- H. J.

”I'm now more free from the pressure to be someone I think I should be. Living as my true self is now my top priority. Even with lots of things I want to do causing confusion, having a clear WHY helps me decide what matters most..”

- A. J.

”By discovering my WHY, I was able to find meaningful significance in the work I do at my current job, allowing me to feel a sense of fulfillment even while doing the same tasks. Additionally, although I used to be too tired after work to do anything productive, I now have the energy to invest in my own projects that align with my true passions and WHY"

"There were times in my life when I couldn't understand how certain events influenced me or why they had to happen. However, realizing how these separate incidents were interconnected and how they shaped who I am today, and why it was necessary for me to experience them at that particular time, gave me chills. It was a deeply meaningful time that allowed me to look deeply into my life and understand myself better.”

- J. C.