Here's What Our Clients Say

”I hadn't deeply thought about the kind of person I am, but reflecting on past events and people in my life made me realize how I've become who I am today.”

- H. J.

”I'm now more free from the pressure to be someone I think I should be. Living as my true self is now my top priority. Even with lots of things I want to do causing confusion, having a clear WHY helps me decide what matters most..”

- A. J.

”By discovering my WHY, I was able to find meaningful significance in the work I do at my current job, allowing me to feel a sense of fulfillment even while doing the same tasks. Additionally, although I used to be too tired after work to do anything productive, I now have the energy to invest in my own projects that align with my true passions and WHY"

"There were times in my life when I couldn't understand how certain events influenced me or why they had to happen. However, realizing how these separate incidents were interconnected and how they shaped who I am today, and why it was necessary for me to experience them at that particular time, gave me chills. It was a deeply meaningful time that allowed me to look deeply into my life and understand myself better.”

- J. C.

”I'm glad I could finally clarify the "why" that has always been vague and ambiguous to me. Sometimes, when you're buried in work, you can lose your sense of direction and feel like you're living without purpose. This was a great opportunity for me to reassess my goals both in work and in life. It was fascinating to realize that "why" doesn't come from something I set myself, but rather from my most natural self. This made it feel more genuine and trustworthy as it truly represents who I am.

I appreciated having someone listen to the most important events of my life from an outsider's perspective and maintaining an observational stance. The partner's approach of just seeing things as they are was great. This experience came at the perfect time and was incredibly meaningful. Thank you so much!”

- M. J.

🗣️ Client Testimonials

”I really appreciated how you genuinely empathized with my story and listened so attentively. You made my story feel interesting and created a comfortable atmosphere, which allowed me to share my honest thoughts without any difficulty.

Through the Y Discovery program, I got to know myself on a whole new level, even beyond what MBTI could offer. At first, I was skeptical about finding my unique WHY, but as the program progressed, that doubt turned into certainty, which was both fascinating and exciting!

I realized that I was more conscious of others' opinions than I thought and that I wanted to break free from that. Discovering my WHY has changed the way I view my life and values, and now I truly know what I want to do and the career I desire.”

- E. K.

”My life felt empty and unstable and I was constantly chasing new things without knowing why, which left me feeling exhausted. The Y Discovery process of finding myself within my life was a completely new experience. By identifying and applying the cyclical patterns in my life, combined with Young's precise and insightful guidance, I was able to fully discover myself. Since discovering my WHY, I no longer feel empty. Applying my WHY before taking on new challenges has made me feel more grounded in my inner self and my life. Knowing my direction, I no longer wander aimlessly.

Thank you for the miracle of this four-week journey. It truly feels like I’ve been given a new life!”

- H. P.