💡Y Discovery Program

😭 Feeling Lost & Doubting Yourself in Your Career?

😉 But There's Good News!

You're not alone!

Many people find themselves in a similar situation, wrestling with doubts and uncertainties in their careers.

These challenges may include:

  • Not knowing which career path to pursue

  • Not knowing which direction to take

  • Comparing yourself constantly with others

  • Losing passion for your work

  • Feeling stuck in a mundane routine

  • Being laid off - I've been there too :(

  • Getting fired

I'm here to help you:

  • Discover your true self and your purpose(Y) in your career.

  • Break free from self-doubt and uncertainty.

  • Take your career to the next level.

It's time to stop doubting yourself and start living a fulfilling life, guided by the unique purpose you were meant for.

Let's take this journey together.

Not sure whether you need a purpose in your career?


Whether you are a...




👩🏼‍💻Senior Software Engineer

👩‍💼HR Professional





Why? Allow me to share some expert insights with you.

You need to know your purpose(Y) behind what you do.

According to organizational psychologist and Wharton professor Amy Wrzesniewski,

there are 3 ways people view their occupations:


MANY consider their occupation as a Job. They work primarily to earn income to support their hobbies, family, or life outside of work. They may not have a strong connection to the workplace or their job duties. If financially secure, they might not continue in their current line of work and are often eager to retire.


SOME consider their occupation as a Career. They are driven to seek opportunities for advancement in the workplace. They strive for promotions, set long-term goals, and are interested in progressing in their career, obtaining raises, acquiring new titles, and achieving social standing.

Their career reflects their interests, skills, values, and aspirations, with a focus on success. They focus on differentiating themselves in the job market to stand out.


VERY FEW consider their occupation as a Calling. They feel a deep alignment between their occupation and who they are as a person, providing them with a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose.

They feel good about their work because they love it and believe it makes the world a better place, and are not particularly looking forward to retirement.

Regardless of Your Career Stage,

You Are in One of 3 Categories...


EVERY PERSON on the planet knows WHAT they do. Our WHATs are the products we sell or the services we offer, the actual work we do every day.


SOME people know HOW they do it. These are the things that make them special or set them apart from their competition. Our HOWs are our actions, values, principles, and strengths that guide us.


VERY FEW people know why they do what they do. WHY is a purpose, cause, belief, or who we truly are—our true selves. It is the driving force behind everything we do.

Golden Circle

Simon Sinek describes the concept of purpose the best with his Golden Circle:

Do You Notice Any Connection?


People in this category focus on the job itself, job title, money, benefits, stability, recognition, and outcomes.


People in this category focus on differentiating from others, following a specialized career path, and fostering personal career growth by developing one's own strengths, skills, and experiences.


People in this category...

  • Focus on purpose and service to others.

  • Feel fulfilled in what they do

  • Feel a deep alignment between their occupation and who they are as a person.

  • Feel connected to something bigger than oneself.

  • Have profound self-assurance and clarity in the direction of their career.

💡As a result, when you discover your WHY(Y) your true self
you are most likely to consider your occupation as a calling.

🤔 What Happens When You Discover Your Y?

📍 Unwavering Assurance: Gain a profound sense of purpose and assurance in your life and career.

🎯 Focus on Purpose: Shift your focus from competition to your own purpose, dreams, beliefs, and vision, fostering a more authentic and meaningful journey instead of merely aiming to be #1 or the best

🔥 Renewed Passion: Ignite and rejuvenate your passion, infusing a newfound energy into your work and career.

✊🏻 Grit: Those who consider their occupations a calling are significantly grittier than those who view their work as just a "job" or "career," according to Angela Duckworth in her book, Grit.

😊 Fulfilling Life and Career: Attain fulfillment in both your life and career, moving away from the constant pursuit of fleeting excitement. Gain the ability to articulate precisely what fulfills you.

⚖️ Decision-Making Filter: Utilize your HOWs as a powerful filter for making consistent decisions, ensuring a harmonious alignment with your values, strengths, and principles.

🏃🏾‍♂️ Unique Journey: Concentrate on your unique journey rather than comparing yourself with others, fostering a path that is true to your identity.

📌 How It Works

1. Schedule a 45-Minute Virtual Intro Call with Young:

Before committing to our Y Discovery program, initiate the process by scheduling a complimentary 45-minute virtual intro call with Young.

2. Engage in an Intro Call with Young:

Participate in a comprehensive intro call with Young, where you can explore the details and benefits of the Y Discovery program.

3. Make Your Decision:

Take the time to decide whether you'd like to proceed with the Y Discovery program based on the insights gained during the intro call.

4. Purchase the Y Discovery Program:

Once you've made your decision, proceed to purchase the Y Discovery program.

5. Participate in 4 Virtual Sessions:

Engage in four 2-hour virtual 1-on-1 sessions as part of the program.

6. Receive Your Own Golden Circle:

Conclude the program by receiving your own Golden Circle.

🤩 Ready to Purchase Y Discovery Program?

Wishing you all the best on your journey to discovering who you truly are!